In this episode 8 of Beneath The Surface, we find out why Hazza prefers one particular set of fin for all conditions.
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In episode five of Beneath The Surface, we catch up with one of the world's most promising and exciting surfers Crosby Colapinto.
Cros gives us his insights into his favourite fins and why he's now jazzed on riding quads.
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In episode seven of Beneath The Surface, we catch up two times World Longboard Champion, shaper and Coffs Harbour local Harley Ingleby.
FCS jumps into his Coffs Harbour board cave to get deep on fins and how different fins have complemented the wide array of boards in Harley's quiver.
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Surfboard fins have a major influence on how you and your surfboard perform together.
Sure, there's magic in the surfboard design, but it's the fins that bring the magic to life. That's why we decided to check in with some of the world's best surfers and chat to them about their preferred fin templates.
In this episode, we catch up with UK junior surfing dynamo Lukas Skinner to talk him through his favourite fins and how they've impacted his surfing.
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In episode four of Beneath The Surface, we catch up with one of the most exciting surfers to ever ride a surfboard, Kolohe Andino.
Kolohe lets us into his garage and gives us his take on fins, what he chooses to ride around home and the safety advantages of the FCSII system.
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In episode three of Beneath The Surface, we catch up with world-renowned longboarder Matt Chojnacki to talk through his eclectic quiver, favourite fins, and how he's looking for something to cover him in everything from two-to-twenty foot.
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Surfboard fins have a major influence on how you and your surfboard perform together.
Sure, there's magic in the surfboard design, but it's the fins that bring the magic to life. That's why we decided to check in with some of the world's best surfers and chat to them about their preferred fin templates.
In this episode, we catch up with Isabella Nichols to talk through her favourite fins and how they've impacted her surfing.
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This winter, FCS has again teamed up with Vissla and some of our favourite outdoor brands for the annual Mr Equipment Giveaway to give you a chance to win some new FCS hardware, as well as an epic bundle of gear for the season ahead.
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The Britt Merrick Twin delivers a lot - extra speed, loose pivot off the top, glide down-the-line and a layer of control that makes riding a twin effortless. What the dedicated twin advocates make look so easy, is sometimes not. This set bridges the gap and allows you to rip without holding back.
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Filipe Toledo’s destiny became a reality when he clinched the 2022 WSL World Title.
He was undeniably the best surfer of 2022; 10 point rides, multiple CT victories, and along the way elevating the way in which surfer’s approach competition in the modern era.
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Whether you’re packing for a trip down the coast or heading to more exotic locations, the Surf Supplies kit is designed to house all your essential travel components in one compact, lightweight and easy-to-access capsule. Each VSSL comes perfectly organized with high-quality, specially selected items
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